Wednesday, May 26, 2010

SharePoint 2010 wiki home page

When you create a SharePoint 2010 site based on the team site template it automatically activates WikiPageHomePage feature. So, when you open the created site it opens with the SitePages/home.aspx home page.
But the default.aspx page is still there. If you navigate to the team site and append default.aspx to the end of the url, http://host/sites/teamsite/default.aspx, you will notice it takes you to a page very much like the previous 2007 version of SharePoint.
The feature is not activated automatically on Blank site (STS#1) or Document workspace (STS#2)
For more details about the WikiPageHomePage feature refer the following article

Usefull links:
How to change the wiki home page programmatically:

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Reboot request on Windows 2008 during msi uninstall

During uninstalling application, the following message may appear:
"The setup must update files or services that cannot be updated while the system is running. If you choose to continue, a reboot will be required to complete the setup."

However, there is no need for reboot as all services are stopped before removing any files.

To suppress reboot request, set the REBOOT property to ReallySuppress

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Adding html tags to the blog

Converts tags to add html/xml to the blog:

Check if related product is already installed

If your application depends on some another basic application, you need to check if the basic application is already installed. You can use the FindRelatedProducts action.
Use the following steps:
1) Define the UpgradeCode of the basic product:
<UpgradeVersion OnlyDetect="yes" Minimum="" IncludeMinimum='no' Property="BASICINSTALLED" />
2) Specify a Custom Action performed if the basic product is not installed:
<CustomAction Id='NotBasic' Error='The basic product should be installed on the server.' />

3) Schedule the custom action execution
<Custom Action='NotBasic' After='FindRelatedProducts'>NOT BASICINSTALLED</Custom>

During installation, Windows Installer define a Product Code for the specified Upgrade Code and assign it to the BASICINSTALLED property. If there is no products installed with the Upgarde Code, the property is not defined. In this case the Custom Action will be performed and installation completes.

Note: The property assignment will be skipped if the basic appliaction is installed on per-machine mode but your application is installing in per-user mode.
The following log is written:
FindRelatedProducts: current install is per-user. Related install for product '{Product_Code_GUID}' is per-machine. Skipping...